Selasa, 25 Maret 2008

Tating Nurati

Dokter Mencurigai Ada Masalah Dengan

Jantung dan Pengentalan Darah

N a m a : Hj. Tating Nurati
U m u r : 51 tahun
Alamat : Jl. Dumai Cepu Blora Jawa Tengah
Keluhan : Dada kiri sering sakit, sesak, dan capek sedikit nafas

tersengal- sengal serta dada sakit

Jenis Produk : Bio Necklace (Kalung Biofir)

Sebelumnya, kolesterol di atas 300 mg/dl. Trigliserida di atas 500 mg/dl, dan darah saya kental. Sekarang stamina saya sudah bagus, tidak mudah lelah dan sesak saya di dada sudah jauh berkurang dan dada kiri tidak lagi sakit. Biasanya saya kalau naik tangga atau turun tangga dada kiri saya sakit dan sesak. Alhamdulillah setelah pakai kalung ini, saya naik turun tangga sudah tidak terasa sesak.

Jumat, 21 Maret 2008

Reversing The Aging Process

Health Facts, Articles, Testimonials
Reversing The Aging Process - an Enlightened Doctor's Discovery
©Copyright 1999 by Dr. Fouad I. Ghaly, M.D.

"Are you expecting me to believe that a spectrum of sunlight can cause healing for pains in joints and muscles, as well as lower cholesterol and slow down aging? It seems a little far-fetched to me." I held back harsher criticism only out of respect for my colleague as our conversation continued. He seemed undaunted by my skepticism. "Out of nine of my patients with chronic knee problems, in the eight that I applied the FAR Infrared knee wraps on, I have seen a dramatic improvement, three of whom are completely pain free. How would you explain that? Another patient who suffers from extreme intestinal dysbiosis has recovered, and several of my elderly patients with spinal problems have reported improvement in range of motion and relief from pain using a FAR Infrared waistwrap. I myself have tried it. My shoulder doesn't hurt when I apply compresses of the same material, even after a long day at work. My family and friends have noticed a change in my energy levels, as well as my personality. I feel ten years younger!"

"Listen, I know you're excited, and it sounds impressive, but is this just a new gimmick? Are you sure it's not all working because you want it to work?" Understandably, I have to qualify information that comes to me. At this point in my career, I am getting accustomed to these calls. It seems that the medical field itself is going through a transition, and the doctors I associate with are increasingly more interested in non-traditional methods, as long as the treatments work. Many of my patients also often enlighten me on alternative perspectives on health. Over the years, I have witnessed the limits of my expertise in chemical and surgical procedures and medications for certain conditions. Therefore, although I am still a sound supporter of allopathic medicine in the treatment of contagious diseases, I am perpetually intrigued to find new ways to expand my abilities to help my patients.

Still, his claims did seem a little too incredible to be true, and I immediately shelved it in my mind under "U" for unbelievable. Yet, my investigative mind spurred me to embark on a search for more quantifiable research on far-infrared light and negative ions, both of which were key factors in the effectiveness of the wraps being used. The following is a limited report on my findings:

Light Medicine of the future?
Light medicine has been a topic well documented since the early 1900's. Even as far back as 1870, Dr. Pleasanton, a researcher in the United States, published research showing the relationship between light frequency and the rate of growth of cells and tissues, as well as their rate of cell division.1 Specific wavelengths affect our metabolism and our aging process, according to "enlightened" scientists. Dr. Harry Riley Spitler, M.D., O.D., proved in his book that light plays an important role in regulating the autonomous nervous system, as well, pointing out how certain spectrums of light are crucial to our daily wellbeing, emotionally and physically.2

Previously, I was only familiar with laser light treatments used to tone and rejuvenate skin, reducing lines and improving blemishes. I am more interested at present in the beneficial effects of the application of specific spectrums of natural light for overall health. One study presented by Dr. Zane Kime, M.D., stated that sunlight is a leading factor in strengthening the body's resistance to infectious diseases, increasing the oxygen capacity of the blood, and improving stress tolerance. Laboratory experiments supporting his study show that exposure to sunlight increases lymphocytes and neutrophils, and reduces the frequency of colds and respiratory infections.3

Dr. Richard Wurtman, Professor of Endocrinology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stated that wavelengths of light are almost as important as vitamins and minerals to the body's proper functioning.4 Without proper nutrients or oxygen, our body suffers. How much so also does our health suffer considering our modern life, with our severe lack of natural light?

What is the Healthiest Spectrum of Light?
Unfortunately, the wavelength of light that is the most beneficial to the body is often the one we are exposed to the least, due to pollution and everyday lifestyle. The spectrum of light that appears to be most resonant with cell tissues seems to lie within the far infrared spectrum. Studies suggest that far infrared light stimulates the production of cell tissue and rapidly promotes the regeneration of skin and blood tissue in areas exposed to it.5 This could also prove to be especially helpful in the recovery of wounds and following surgery in preventing the formation of scar tissue.

One of the first pioneers in the field was Dr. Neils Finsen, who was curing lesions and variola using red and infrared rays. More recent research performed by Tiina Karu, M.D., of the Laser Technology Center in Russia, holds that this spectrum of light speeds up cellular metabolic processes, like stimulating the activity of mitochondria, and triggering enzyme activity as well as the healing, regeneration, and normalization of damaged cell tissue. Obviously, although we can receive this light from spending time in the sun, excessive exposure to certain rays, such as Ultraviolet Rays (UV) in sunlight can be damaging to our system. I see it in my patients who have spent years baking on the beaches.

The first research on isolating, or mimicking far infrared light was done through NASA decades ago. Recently, several scientists in Japan extended this technology, and designed a way to create fibers to be worn on the body that emit wavelengths the same as natural far infrared light from the sun, yet much more concentrated. The material itself was formed primarily out of several minerals with piezoelectric qualities, such as tourmaline and serpentine. The raw materials were highly costly, so the technology was not popularly used.

A breakthrough in 1994 caused the production of the "FAR Infrared" wraps that my associate had been using with great results. A textile engineer discovered how to mix the piezoelectric substances with a mineral oxide without minimizing the beneficial effects that the substance had on the body. A separate discovery was made in which the fibers themselves could be minimized in size (quite possibly one of the smallest diameter fibers created to date, being several times thinner than human hair). This maximized the amount of surface area, thus amplifying the amount of energy within a limited area of material. Therefore, even a thin, wearable wrap could be easily worn undistinguished under clothes, and comfortably worn. These FAR Infrared wraps were created for use on the following areas: Waist wraps, for digestive region and backaches, knee wraps, elbow wraps and wrist wraps for use on areas prone to joint and muscle injuries, and ankle wraps, which have been reported to be beneficial for foot problems as well as swelling or poor circulation. The manufacturers even created a blanket and mattress to generate the far infrared benefits to the entire body while sleeping, or relaxing.

I have found several studies that suggest the benefits of using far infrared light on injuries: The American Journal of Geriatrics has published a study in which elderly patients experienced an improvement of pain and disability from degenerative osteoarthritis of the knee. A fully randomized, partially double-blind trial resulted in a pain reduction of more than 50% within the group using the therapy, whereas there was no significant improvement in the placebo group. Studies done with Magnetic Resonance Imaging suggest a more rapid recovery from muscle fatigue, as you can see in the images.

Fig. 1. After 30 minutes exercise;
dark parts indicate muscle
fatigue (due to build-up of lactic acid)

Fig. 2. Instead of the usual 2-3 hours,
the FAR Infrared products help
muscles recover within 20 minutes only

Based on my colleague's recommendation, and my curiosity, I have tried some of the products personally, and have found benefits on physical ailments, as well as emotional and athletic benefits. At this point, I had decided to look further into the explanation behind the miracle benefits.

Staying healthy and youthful - beyond exercise and nutrition
Dr. Zane Kime, M.D., in his book "Sunlight"6 holds up the findings that sunlight exposure is similar to physical exercise in its effects on the body, as it improves the balance of blood pressure, blood sugar, and an increase in oxygen in the cells, muscle strength, vitality and mental stability. Natural spectrums of light found in sunlight, for example, are essential for bone growth as well as preventing osteoporosis, regulating hormonal functions as well as immune functions. It has occurred to me that light may be a great help to patients who cannot exercise, because of health reasons, age, or lifestyle inhibitions.

The Anti-Aging Factor
As we age, we all experience a shift in our hormones, and researchers now feel this change is responsible for many of the maladies we associate with aging, such as menopause, sleeplessness, fatigue, arteriosclerosis, and others. In his research in Pennsylvania at the Thomas Jefferson Medical School, Dr. George Brainard has stated that light affects the hormonal balance of the body, in levels of melatonin, prolactin, cortisone, testosterone, TS4, LH, FSH, T3, and thyroid hormones. John Ott, a modern pioneer in this subject, attributes these affects to a process similar to the photosynthesis process in plants. In this process, light is converted by the body into electrochemical impulses that are sent to the pineal and pituitary glands, which send the hormones through the body's central nervous system to all the cells of the body. The hormones affected through this process and the functioning of these glands are the growth hormone, thyroid hormone(TSH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), prolactin, oxytoxin, melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH), and anti-diuretic hormone. Therefore, light is essential to the functioning of our entire endocrine system.7 As hormone replacement has mixed results at times, it is possible that in the future, doctors will prescribe light for therapy, in forms such as the FAR Infrared wraps.

Common problems associated with lifestyle and aging, such as hypertension and osteoporosis, headaches and digestive problems, are attributed by some scientists to be the result of excess acidity in our system. The American Medical Journal found that in patients with bone loss, alkalizing their system caused a decrease in bone loss. Their conclusion was that our typical American diet is acid-producing.8 The acids deposited in our blood are often stored by the body in forms of cholesterol, fatty acid, uric acid, and other villains that cause havoc in our system.9 Sang Whang, the author of "Reverse Aging" claims that these excess acids can be eliminated with the use of far infrared products, along with consuming certain alkaline minerals and foods.10 The far infrared resonance heats up the internal temperature of the body, increasing circulation, thus enabling the blood to melt out the acidic toxins that have been deposited for years in one's arteries. A study done on carotid artery buildup showed an increase in blood flow within the artery after two nights of the subject sleeping on the FAR Infrared mattress, for an average of 10 hours a night.11 As a doctor, I cannot recommend the wraps, as they are not FDA approved in this country as therapies for these particular maladies. However, if I were personally a sufferer of hypertension, or chronic arthritis, or any systemic problem, I would use the FAR Infrared mattress or wraps for my own health.

Negative Ions
The other element contained within the FAR Infrared technology that I investigated was the negative ions that were claimed to increase with the use of it. Nature's "life enhancing particles", negative ions, are molecules with an extra electron, discovered in 1899 by two scientists named Elster and Geitel. Mice live longer in certain cases when exposed to negative ions. They have been linked to killing germs, and preventing infections. Dr. Igho Hart Kornblueh, a physician, found that patients recovered 57% faster from surgery when exposed to large doses of negative ions. It has also been found that negative ions seem to help with allergies, migraines, and sinus problems.12

Although negative ions are plentiful in nature (occurring at almost twice the amount near the ocean or waterfalls as normal), our environment is sadly lacking these energetic boosters. Dr. William Rea, Chief of surgery at Brookhaven Medical Center in Texas, states that "Most houses don't breathe like they used to". Steel and concrete absorb most of the available negative ions in the atmosphere, and plastics have a positive static charge, so that the amount of negative ions that we receive is extremely minimal.

Emotional problems? Blame it on the ions, or the lack of them. The opposite of negative ions, positive ions, are particles with a missing electron. In certain courts, the issue of winds that bring in positive ions has been used as an excuse for erratic and criminal behavior. On the contrary, negative ions promote alpha brain waves, creating a calming effect. Dr. Albert P. Krueger, an American scientist well respected for his extensive work with ions, discovered that negative ions affect the rate at which serotonin is oxidized in the bloodstream. Serotonin is secreted by the pineal glands and intestines, and affects sleep, mood, nerve-impulses, blood-clotting, and contraction of smooth muscles. It is most popularly associated with feelings of security, peace, and satisfaction. Negative ions have been shown to reduce neurosis and anxiety.13 This may explain why so many people sing in the shower, or why one can't seem to fully wake up without one. When the water falls in the shower, it creates negative ions. Negative ions are also found plentifully around waterfalls and oceans. Vasil'yev, a Russian ion pioneer, showed in the 1970's that ions act on the endings of pulmonary afferent nerve fibers, and alter the functional state of the central nervous system, and through it, the peripheral organs.

The FAR Infrared material that I research also was shown to increase the rate of negative ions. This should be a relief for all of us who don't live or work at waterfalls or on the ocean shore. The people that I interviewed seemed to notice the calming effect of wearing the wraps, although they weren't told of this effect prior to wearing them.

As I approach my upper years, I am elated to use technology such as this to enhance my daily life, and increase my chances of living healthy long past my 90th birthday. I hope that you have the same opportunity.



1. Articles on Light Therapy
2. The Syntonic Principle, 1941, Harry Riley
Spitler, M.D., O.D.
3. Sunlight, Zane Kime, M.D., Pengrove, CA, World Health Publications, 1980
4. Articles on Light Therapy
5. Ibid, pg 278
6. Sunlight, Zane Kime, M.D., Pengrove, CA, World Health Publications, 1980
7. Articles on Light Therapy, pg261
8. New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 330, June 23, 1994
9. Reverse Aging, JSP Publishing,
Sang Whang 1990
10. Ibid
11. Mitsui Hospital Research Lab, Japan
12. Negative Ions, Vitamins of the Air? Jim Karnstedt and Don Strachan

Senin, 17 Maret 2008

Foto Pengguna Biofir 3

Melly Guslow - Artis Penyanyi

Mulan Jamilah - Artis Penyanyi

Direktur RS Angkatan Laut Surabaya

Yuni Sara - Artis Penyanyi

KH. Ulinuha, Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren di Kudus

Prof. Ridwan Nasir (Rektor IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya)

Foto Pengguna Biofir 2

Gus Lukman (Menantu Kyai Subadar Pasuruan) & Ketua DPRD Pasuruan

Bisri Abdul Jalil, Mantan Ketua DPRD Jawa Timur

Bersama Walikota Surabaya, Bambang DH

KH Abdullah Sahal dan Direktur RS Bangkalan

Dokter Akmal, direktur RS Angkatan Darat
Surabaya (dokter spesilis THT)

Minggu, 16 Maret 2008

Foto Pengguna Biofir 1

Prof. Wisnu, Guru Besar/Ahli Penyakit Mata
Presiden Rotary Club Surabaya

Dr. Iswan A. Nusi, Spesialis Penyakit Dalam
RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Bersama dr Riyatno (ahli jantung)

Prof. Dr. Abdul Mukti, Spesialis Paru-paru
RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Soeprijanto, Guru Besar Penyakit Gigi,
RSAL Dr Ramelan Surabaya

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Sabtu, 15 Maret 2008

Miana Laksmiati

Miana Laksmiati, SH, PT Telkom Divre 2, Bandung

Sekian lama saya merasakan pegal-pegal di belakang kepala bawah (pundak) karena kolesterol (di atas batas normal) antara 250 - 260 dan tekanan darah tinggi. Walaupun telah dibantu oleh obat yang diberikan dokter dan olah raga teratur, namun tetap saya merasa badan yang kurang enak/fit.

Sampai suatu hari saya ditawari untuk membeli kalung kesehatan biofir oleh teman kerja saya. Saya lalu memakainya dan apa yang saya rasakan sungguh di luar dugaan karena saya esok harinya langsung merasa badan enak dan lebih segar.

Sekitar 2 minggu kemudian, saya menjalani operasi kecil pada jari tangan saya. Sebelumnya saya diharuskan melakukan general check up. Ternyata hasil check up ini menunjukkan semua baik : termasuk kolesterol saya menjadi normal di bawah 200, serta tekanan darah menjadi normal 120/80. Padahal saya tidak menjalani diet khusus, saya juga tidak minum jamu atau obat, pola makan dan hidup saya pun biasa saja seperti hari-hari sebelumnya. Alhamdulillah operasi pun berjalan lancar.

Setelah itu sampai sekarang ini saya selalu memakai kalung kesehatan itu setiap hari. Mudah-mudahaan cerita saya ini dapat membantu teman-teman yang mempunyai keluhan yang sama, cobalah memakai kalung kesehatan biofir. Dengan badan yang sehat kita dapat melakukan segala aktifitas dengan semangat yang tinggi.

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Kamis, 13 Maret 2008

Sujud Suyatno

Sujud Suyatno, Bankir dan Rr. Indah Noersantie (istri), Karyawati di Jakarta
Kolesterol, Darah Rendah, Diabetes

Saya memiliki kolesterol LDL sampai 146 dan kolesterol total mencapai 200. Pundak dan sekitar leher sering sekali kaku-kaku. Mestinya saya terapi batu giok 2x sehari. Namun karena aktifitas saya sebagai karyawan perusahaan perbankan, setelah pulang kerja masih harus mengikuti pendidikan bidang properti dan tiba di rumah malam hari, sehingga saya jarang memakainya. Apalagi selama terapi giok saya harus tiduran 40 menit di atas alat tersebut sehingga tidak bisa melakukan aktifitas lain.

Tetapi setelah saya memakai Kalung Bio Far Infrared Rays (Kalung Biofir) sejak Januari 2007 lalu, rasa pegal dan kaku di pundak serta di sekitar leher menjadi hilang... sampai saat ini.

Demikian juga dengan istri saya yang memiliki darah rendah dan sering pusing bahkan pernah jatuh pingsan. Saat ini dia sudah bisa bernafas lega karena kondisi badan menjadi lebih fit dan jarang pusing lagi. Juga belum pernah pingsan sejak memakai Bio Genetic FIR (Kalung Biofir). Pada awal pemakaian, istri saya merasakan reaksi/healing crisis berupa pusing (Jawa: nggliyeng), badan terasa hangat (Jawa: meriang).

Begitu juga bapak mertua yang memiliki keluhan diabetes dengan kadar gula darah 370, menjadi normal setelah 1 bulan pemakaian semenjak Februari 2007.

Alhamdulillah, saya bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kenikmatan berupa kesehatan kepada keluarga kami. Dengan seijin Allah manusia dapat mengembangkan Bio Genetic Far Infrared Rays (Biofir) yang berguna bagi kemaslahatan umat di Bumi. (Jul 2007).

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Rosnani, 33 tahun, Paoman Indramayu

Saya punya keluhan di bagian punggung belakang, sakit maag, migren, tulang terasa ngilu, setiap bangun pagi punggung saya terasa kaku tidak bisa digerakkan. Hampir tiap hari bangun pagi kesakitan dan sangat tersiksa. Pijat refleksi sudah santapan untuk saya. Sore hari saya mandi pakai air hangat yang direbus bersamaan dengan daun sere baru badan saya tersa segar.

Tanggal 14 Juli saya dipinjami Kalung Biofir oleh teman, langsung saya pakai. Sesampai di rumah mendadak kepala saya terasa berat dan pusing sekali sampai saya takut. Lalu kalung itu saya copot. Selang beberapa saat kalung itu saya pakai kembali.

Subhanallah, Allah Maha Besar yang telah mempertemukan saya dengan Kalung Biofir ini. Saat saya bangun tidur pagi terasa badan dan punggung saya yang tadinya kaku sekarang tidak lagi. Alhamdulillah badan saya terasa segar bugar, langsung saya memutuskan untuk membeli Kalung Bio itu.

Kalau melihat dari harganya yang mahal dan bentuk yang biasa saja, saya tidak tertarik dan tidak akan membeli kalung ini. Tapi setelah saya rasakan khasiatnya dan tidak diragukan lagi manfaatnya langsung saya membelinya. Mudah-mudahan Kalung Biofir ini selalu berguna bagi saya dan kaluarga bahkan mungkin bagi teman-teman yang mau merasakannya. (Ags 2007).

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Selasa, 11 Maret 2008

Prof. Dr. Ir. Zoeraini Djamal MS

Prof. Dr. Ir. Zoeraini Djamal, MS.

Guru Besar Universitas Trisakti Jakarta

Suami saya punya penyakit gula, ada darah tinggi, suka mengeluh, suka lemas. Saya minta suami saya memakai kalung biofir, dia menyatakan bahwa semenjak memakai kalung bio, lebih segar, lebih bersemangat. Sekarang kalung bio tidak pernah lepas dari leher suami saya, kecuali saat mandi.

Suatu ketika saya lagi jalan di kampus, ada ibu dosen yang melihat saya dan bertanya apakah kalung yang saya pakai itu kalung obat. Ibu dosen itu bercerita, bahwa omnya akan operasi (balon) jantung. Seminggu sebelum operasi, omnya itu diberi temannya kalung yang seperti saya pakai. Setelah seminggu memakai kalung bio, omnya ibu itu diperiksa dokter, kok sudah tidak ada apa-apa lagi. Dokter pun heran, dan operasi tidak jadi dilaksanakan.

Ada ibu yang dibelikan oleh anaknya kalung biofir dari saya, karena ibunya punya tekanan darah tinggi. Semenjak memakai kalung bio ibu tersebut merasa lebih segara, katanya banyak keluar keringat.

Mantan mahasiswa saya juga menyatakan bahwa semenjak memakai kalung biofir yang dibelinya dari saya, badannya lebih segar dan sehat.

Saya sendiri selain merasa lebih segar dan sehat semenjak memakai kalung biofir, sering sekali saya merasakan panas yang keluar dari kalung, cukup untuk memanasi leher dan keseluruh badan saya. Ada pengalaman khusus saya, kalau saya mulai ada sedikit gejala flu, bersin-bersin? saya cium dan taruh kalung itu sampai menutupi lubang hidung saya, luar biasa? bersin-bersin jadi berhenti, dan flu tidak jadi menyerang saya. (Des 2006).

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Yenna Roseva

Yenna Roseva Bur, 35 tahun, Tangerang
Hepatitis, Kolesterol, Darah Tinggi, Asam Urat

Agustus 2006 lalu saya positif Hepatitis-B. Gejalanya adalah sakit kepala luar biasa, badan sakit dan pegal-pegal serta lemas. Sampai Juni 2007 saya rutin berobat ke dokter spesialis. Di samping itu saya juga mengidap darah tinggi dan kolesterol. Hampir setiap hari saya merasakan sakit di pundak dan di kepala. Setiap pulang dari kantor, saya merasa badan lemas tak bertenaga.

Awal Juli 2007 lalu saya buka satu web yang di sana terdapat iklan tentang Biofir Necklace. Setelah saya pelajari dan konsultasi, akhirnya saya pesan satu Kalung Biofir untuk saya pakai. Keesokan harinya saat bangun tidur, saya merasa segar dan bersemangat. Padahal biasanya, saat bangun tidur badan lemas dan kepala terasa berat.

Semenjak pake Kalung Biofir saya tidak pernah merasakan sakit kepala lagi, padahal sebelumnya saya hampir tiap hari minum obat sakit kepala. Saya benar-benar merasakan manfaat Kalung Biofir ini. Setiap hari penuh semangat. Saya bersyukur kepada Allah karena saya sudah terlepas dari penderitaan sakit kepala yang sebelumnya setiap hari saya derita.

Suami saya (38 tahun) belakangan sering mengeluh sakit di lutut dan kaki. Sehabis sujud saat sholat dia merasakan sakit luar biasa di kakinya. Beberapa kali saya pinjamkan Kalung Biofir, suami saya merasa sakit di kakinya hilang semenjak itu.

Beberapa hari setelah saya pake kalung, saya melihat atasan saya minum obat sakit kepala. Hal ini sering saya lihat di kantor, beliau sering pusing pusing. Saya coba ceritakan pengalaman saya pake Kalung Biofir, lalu saya coba pinjamkan kalung saya kepada beliau. Awalnya beliau tidak yakin, tapi setelah satu jam memakai kalung saya, beliau merasakan manfaatnya. Kepalanya tidak terasa sakit lagi dan badannya terasa lebih segar katanya. Akhirnya beliau beli. Sampai saat ini beliau tidak pernah minum obat pusing lagi. (Ags 2007).

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Senin, 10 Maret 2008

Mirna Hidayati

Mirna Hidayati, Jakarta

Saya baru mengenal produk Biofir. Saya memakai Kalung Biofir baru kira-kira 3 minggu yang lalu.

Bermula dari membaca hasil general check-up yang saya terima akhir November 2006, tertera kolesterol saya 258. Padahal hasil general check-up tahun sebelumnya (2005) kolesterol saya 244 (normal seharusnya di bawah 200). Kok malah naik kadar kolesterol saya? Padahal saya sudah diet lemak, makan makanan yang digoreng sesedikit mungkin, pulang kerja meluangkan waktu +/- 15 menit untuk olahraga (sepeda statis), minum produk vco (sesuai saran teman bisa menurunkan kolesterol dalam waktu 1 minggu!). Ternyata usaha keras saya selama ini tidak membuahkan hasil.

Selama beberapa hari kemudian saya sempat stress, leher semakin kaku dan kepala rasanya pusing. Akhirnya awal Desember saya dapat informasi mengenai Kalung Biofir dari internet. Tanpa pikir panjang saya hubungi contact person yang tercantum di situ dan kebetulan beberapa hari kemudian ada penjelasan mengenai kalung Biofir langsung dari Bp. Rifai.

Sehari setelah memakai Kalung Biofir, saya merasa badan lebih ringan dan fit, hilang rasa pusing di kepala dan leher tidak kaku lagi! Seminggu setelahnya, saya cek kolesterol ternyata sudah turun menjadi 220.

Sekarang semua keluarga saya (suami, anak, kakak dan adik-adik saya) sudah memakai kalung Biofir. Ya Allah, terima kasih atas semuanya. (Des 2006)

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Ibu Nova

Nova, Ibu Rumah Tangga dan Herman, Swasta, Bandung

Di usia 3 tahun pernikahan, kami belum juga dikaruniai keturunan. Berbagai usaha untuk bisa hamil sudah kami jalani antara lain terapi ke dokter dan juga minum ramuan-ramuan tradisional. Namun sejauh itu belum menunjukan hasil.

Pada awalnya ketika kami diperkenalkan kalung biofir ini, niat kami membelinya adalah untuk mengobati sakit pinggang yang sering saya alami. Tapi kemudian kami mendapat informasi dari Pak Aurik bahwa kalung ini juga bisa dicoba untuk terapi kehamilan bagi pasangan suami istri yang sedang berusaha untuk memperoleh keturunan. Kami kemudian mencobanya secara bergiliran karena kalung yang kami beli hanya satu. Pertama kali memakai kalung ini saya merasakan agak pusing, mual dan haus. Untungnya hanya berlangsung 1 hari, hari berikutnya badan terasa lebih fresh, tidak cepat lelah sehingga berpengaruh juga pada hubungan intim kami, dan sakit pinggang yang selama ini sering dirasakan saya pun berangsur sembuh. Suami sayapun merasakan hal yang sama. Aktivitas seks kami-pun berlangsung semakin lancarrrr....

Dua bulan setelah pemakaian kalung tersebut, atas seijin dan kehendak Allah SWT Yang Maha Kuasa, saya dinyatakan positif hamil. Kami sangat bersyukur kepada Allah SWT dengan kehamilan ini. Kini usia kandungan saya telah mencapai hampir 9 bulan dan kami sedang menanti saat-saat bahagia menunggu kehadiran si 'mungil' buah hati kami. (Ags 2007).

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